Rhinoplasty (Nose-job)


Rhinoplasty is often referred to as a ‘nose job’ and can improve the shape and proportion of the nose, eg the nose may be projected, have a hump or a wide tip.

The surgery can be performed through a closed procedure where the incisions are inside the nostrils or through an open procedure where the incision is made through the narrow strip of tissue separating the nostrils.  

The procedure can also be combined with a septoplasty where a deviation of the septum is corrected to improve breathing issues.

In instances where the skin is thick there are limitations as to what can be achieved.


The Procedure

Under general anaesthetic, cartilage and bone will be removed or re-arranged.  The surgery can be performed through a closed procedure where the incisions are inside the nostrils or through an open procedure where an additional incision is made through the narrow strip of tissue separating the nostrils.

Risks + Complications

Any invasive treatment carries its own risks and complications.  Also, every procedure has limitations and the risks should be compared to the potential benefits before undergoing a surgical procedure.

Possible risks and complications include:-

  • anaesthesia risks including depression
  • scars and keloid/hypertrophic scarring
  • asymmetry
  • skin necrosis and wound healing problems
  • infection
  • fluid build-up as in a seroma or bleeding as a haematoma
  • development of a blood clot as in deep vein thrombosis, thromboembolism or pulmonary embolism
  • swelling and bruising
  • temporary or permanent stiffness of the nose tip
  • skin discolouration
  • thread veins
  • periosteal reaction and irregularities in nasal skeleton
  • numbness/loss of sensitivity
  • remaining or residual deviation of the septum
  • difficulties in breathing
  • dropped tip
  • the displacement and rejection of graft (if used)
  • limitation in the skin retraction in oily and thick types of skin resulting in larger than expected results
  • need for further surgery


Recovery time can vary between patients.  Pain, bruising and swelling is to be expected, particularly around the eyes.  Bending over or lifting heavy objects should be avoided for the first several weeks and strenuous work or exercise avoided for 4-6 weeks.    

As the area will be sensitive, exposure to direct sunlight should be avoided for the first few months.

Minor swelling may be apparent for up to a few months and it will be up to 12 months before the final results are available.


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